Oft gefragt by AnnenMayKantereit Lyric & Guitar Chords

If you are looking for Oft gefragt guitar chords, you’ve come to the right place.
You can play Oft gefragt by AnnenMayKantereit using guitar or guitar.
This song by AnnenMayKantereit can also be played by that instruments.

Oft gefragt guitar chords has rhythm and included in AMK (2013) album.
You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here.

Oft gefragt by AnnenMayKantereit Guitar Chords

Intro: Am, F, C .. (2x)

[Am]Du hast mich [F]angezogen, a[C]usgezogen, grosgezogen,
[Am]und wir sind u[F]mgezogen, [C]ich hab dich angelogen!
[Am]Ich nehme [F]keine Drogen…[C]
und in der Schule war ich [Em]auch…

[Am]Du hast dich [F]oft gefragt, was m[C]ich zerreist,
[Am]ich wollte n[F]icht, dass du es w[C]eist….
[Am]Du warst all[F]ein zu Haus’, hast [C]mich vermisst,
[Am]und dich gefragt, was d[G]u noch fur mich b[C]ist,…
und d[Am]ich gefragt, was d[G]u noch fur mich [C]bist.

Zu H[F]ause bist immer noch d[C]u…
Zu H[F]ause bist immer nur d[C]u…..

Instrumental: Am F C (6x)

[Am]Du hast mich a[F]bgeholt und h[C]ingebracht..,
B[Am]ist mitten in der N[F]acht wegen mir a[C]ufgewacht.
[Am]Ich hab in l[F]etzter Zeit, z[C]u oft daran geda[Em]cht.

[Am]Wir waren in Pr[F]ag, Paris und W[C]ien,..
in der Bretagne und [Am]Berlin, aber n[F]icht in Kopenh[C]agen.
[Am]Du hast dich [F]oft gefragt, was m[C]ich zerreist,
ich habe [Am]aufgehort, m[F]ich das zu fr[C]agen.

[Am]Du warst a[F]llein zu Haus’, hast m[C]ich vermisst,
.. und [Am]dich gefragt, was [G]du noch fur mich b[C]ist,
.. und d[Am]ich gefragt, was [G]du noch fur mich [C]bist.

Zu H[F]ause bist immer nur d[C]u.
Zu H[F]ause bist immer noch [C]du.

Instrumental: Am F C (8x)

[Am] Ich hab keine [F]Heimat, [C]ich hab nur dich,
[Am]du bist zu [F]Hause fur [C]immer und mich,
[Am]du bist zu [F]Hause fur [C]immer und mich,
[Am]du bist zu [F]Hause fur [C]immer und mich,
[Am]du bist zu [F]Hause fur [C]immer und mich,
[Am]du bist zu [F]Hause fur [C]immer und mich,
[Am]du bist zu [F]Hause fur [C]immer und mich,
[Am]hab keine H[F]eimat, [C]ich hab nur dich,
du bist zu H[Am]ause fur [F]immer und m[C]ich.

If you want to learn AnnenMayKantereit Oft gefragt guitar chords, The 5 chords we’ll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major.
The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments.
Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart

The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Oft gefragt. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it.

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