(Điệu: Boston, Nâng cao)
Dạo đầu:
Hear the music of the waters
Vows of tender passion sighing
Like thy heart to which go flying
All my thoughts in wakeful dream
See the lovely dewy garden
Breathing orange[E7/5+] perfumed greeting
Nought can set my heart a beating
Like the fragrance[E7/5+] of its bloom
Now I hear that thou must leave me
Thou and I must soon be parted
Canst thou leave me broken hearted
Wilt thou never more return
Then say not good-bye
Come back again beloved
Back to Sorrento
Or I must die
Sunlight dances on the sea
Tender thoughts occur to me
I have often seen your eyes
In the nighttime when I dream
When I pass a garden fair
And the scent is in the air
In my mind a dream awakes
And my heart [E7/5+]begins to break
But you said goodbye to me
Now all I can do is grieve
Can it be that you forgot?
Darling for get me not!
Please don’t say farewell
And leave this heart that’s broken
Come back to Sorrento
So I can mend
Kết thúc như dạo đầu hoặc tự biến tấu
Tìm hiểu và kết hợp: VDB, Đây là bản tiếng
Anh được Claude dịch từ bản Itaia (1902) của De Curtis