You Can’t Do That by The Beatles Lyric and Guitar Chord

#1.(Capo 2nd fret)
I got something to say that might cause yo u pain,
if I catch you talk ing to that boy ag ain,
I’m gon na let you down, an d leave you f lat.
Because I told you befo re, oh, you ca n’t do tha t.
Well, it’s the second time I’ve caught you talking
to him.
Do I have to tell you one more time,
I think it’s a sin?
I think I’ll let you down and leave you flat.
Because I’ve told you before, oh, you can’t do that.
E verybod y’s gree e..en, caus e I’m the one w ho won your lo ve,
But if they’d se ee…en you, talking that way,
they’d lau gh in my f ace.
So please listen to me, if you want to stay mine,
I can’t help my feelings, I’ll go out of my mind.
I’m gonna let you down, and leave you flat.
Because I’ve told you before, oh, you can’t do that.

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