Y ou never give me your mo ney
Y ou only give me your f unny paper
and in the middle of n e – go – ti – a – tions
you break down
I ne ver give you my num ber
I only give you my situation
and i n the mid dle of in – vest – ig – a -tion
I break dow n— — —
O ut of college, mo ney spent
S ee no future, pay no rent
Al l the money’s gone, nowhere to go
An y jobber got the s ack
Mo nday morning, turnin g back
Yel low lorry slow, nowhere to go
But oh, that magic fe eling, nowhere to go
Oh, that magic fe eling
Nowhere to g o
Nowhere to g o
One sweet dr eam
Pic k up the bags and get in the lim ousine
Soon we’ll be away from here
Step on the gas and wip e that tear awa y
One swe et dre am came tr ue… toda y
Came tr ue… tod ay
Came tru e… today…ye s it did
On e two three four five six seven,
Al l good children go to Heaven.